Archive for Design

Iconic Australian Houses

Iconic Australian Houses: an exhibition by Karen McCartney

The Buhrich House
II, architect Hugh Buhrich. Photograph © Michael Wee (image from
National Archives Exhibitions

A behind-the-scenes exploration of 30 of the most
important Australian homes of the past 60 years. Vivid photography, rich
illustrations, 3D models and interviews look beyond the physical structures to
tell the story of how good design can enrich lifestyle.

25 November 2016 to 13 March 2017

National Archives of Australia
Queen Victoria Terrace
Parkes ACT 2600

Architects and Designers

Architects and Designers – Competition

Showcase your visions for the future of housing in NSW through a design competition.

The Missing Middle Design Competition is seeking high-quality, innovative design solutions for low-rise medium density housing. The competition has a prize pool of $50,000 and seeks entries in three categories: terraces, dual occupancies and manor homes.

These housing types are known as “the missing middle” because they provide an alternative housing option for residents that bridges the gap between free-standing houses and apartment buildings. Terraces are undersupplied within the NSW housing market, despite their popularity and versatility for different lifestyles and household structures.  Check it out now as closing Dec 16, 2016.

Earthship Style Construction

Drove past what looks like earthship style construction – recycled tyres in brick layout with earth rammed in #earthship #ecorealestate #ecofriendly #greenliving #environmentaldesign #ecoproperty #australianrealestate

Fashionistas go Eco

How great to see high profilers pushing the boundaries – @ Top Stories: Emma Watson and Margot Robbie turn Met Gala red carpet green