Chinese demand for Australian food and fibre exports will undoubtedly be one of the biggest drivers to affect
Australian agriculture’s future.
As well a general demand from the rising middle class’ increased purchasing power, the Chinese organic market
is expected to grow 20 per cent per annum to 2020 (Australian Organic, 2016). In addition, 72% of Chinese consumers worry that the food they eat is harmful to their health (McKinsey, 2016).
China has only 1.2m hectares of certified organic land, compared with Australia’s 22m ha and therefore does
not have the capacity to supply this insatiable appetite for clean, organic and trustworthy food.

Australian Organic’s commercial manager, Joanne Barber, has stated that Australian Certified products may
become one of the largest exports from the Australian economy, with 10 to 15 years of pretty good returns ahead for organic producers (Business Builders, 2016).

A stunning piece of Australian organic farmland is currently available for purchase.
With 20 years certified organic status, Payneham Vale is a standout property of fully established integrated and holistic farming practices. It has been planned, developed and managed for long term sustainability and has received international awards for environmental excellence.
Learn more at