Celebrating Community Action – Landcare Week
Sept 1-8 2019
This week we are celebrating Landcare as one of our best national oganisations of the last 30
years, when farmers and conservationists came together to help protect the landscape for
future generations.
Now with over 6,000 groups and hundreds of thousands of volunteers across rural and urban
Australia, they play an important role in enhancing sustainable farming and conservation
activities, all within building local community.
There are many ways you can become involved as a local community or as a landholder.
What improves farming outcomes, values of assets and healthier lifestyles, also protects our
Plant native trees, shrubs and grasses to create habitat for native animals to improve
biodiversity and excellent windbreaks. Restoring native habitat also assists threatened species
like the koala, platypus and native birds, from the impact of urban development and climate
change. Care for the soils helps prevent salinity and erosion as well as increases biodiversity.
Your local community can be involved in planting days, weed and rubbish removal, installing
bird nesting boxes.
Manage invasive pests like feral pigs, foxes, deer and other animals that destroy the
landscape and kill native animals
Use energy and water-usage efficiencies, such as farming effluent recycling, sediment control
and solar panel installation.
Innovative farmers are now consulting with traditional owners about local land management
and decision making- see Bruce Pascoe’s work on aboriginal agriculture that has increased
Australia’s awareness of the original landcarers work managing our resources.
See more activities here and how to find your local group