Ideal for Camping Getaway or Tiny Home Far From the Maddening Crowds for this ecoproperty in Gippsland
For further details and to have your question answered please submit the property inquiry form. You will be sent further information including how to visit the property, make offers and other questions you may have.
Located in Far East Gippsland, the property, a remote bush block of 58.3 hectares (144 acres) is situated at the end of Hutchinson Road.
Approximately one third is cleared and would be suitable for livestock grazing.
East Gippsland Council classifies it as 520 Domestic and livestock grazing.
About two thirds consist of native vegetation.
Wattle Swamp Creek which comes off the Bonang River runs along part of the cleared area and behind this the land rises with a dirt track leading up a hill.
From the top of the “pinnacle” hill are panoramic views to Mount Tingaringy (snow-capped in winter).
There are several tracks that connect from the back of the property and would be ideal for bushwalking and nature enthusiasts.
The Bonang River which runs partly behind Hutchinson Road but not through the property is within walking distance for exploring, and very picturesque. Kangaroos, wombats and emus frequent the area.
Some of the lower cleared area is fenced but mostly it is in disrepair and require rebuilding.
There is an old rustic open sided shed.
The nearest township is the NSW border town of Delegate via Dellicknora Road, Bonang Road and Delegate Road, approximately 31 mins away.
It is 1 hour to Bombala in NSW, 66.6km via Delegate Road and 2 hours to Orbost Vic via Bonang Road.
The Snowy River National Park is about 2 1/2 hours drive away and Errinundra National Park a little over an hour away. Hutchinson Road is a dirt road and is accessed from Dellicknora Road (sealed).
Please submit the property inquiry form and you will be sent further details about the property and how to visit.
Property Features
- Total Land Area: 58.30 hectare